

CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.Do you know what you believe? Are you grounded in the knowledge and understanding of your faith? Our faith is not blind and unfounded. Rather, it is rooted in a Person Who brings all things from the darkness into light. Every once in a while, it's good to challenge yourself with what you believe -- relying on the truth of Scripture to weave together the tapestry of our faith. Phil Wickham's song, "I Believe," will guide us in discussing some very important details of what we believe as followers of Christ.Let's explore the Scripture behind some of the summary statements we sing along with in this song.In this episode, I discuss the following:Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Study a topicSlow downMeditate on ScriptureEpisode Guide"I Believe" by Phil Wickham as a modern creed - ArticleDefining creeds, confessions, and the