Dr. Joe Tatta | The Healing Pain Podcast

The Integration of Pain Sciences into Physical Therapist Practice with Orit Hickman PT, DPT



Dr. Orit Hickman, owner of Pain Science Physical Therapy in Seattle, discusses implementing the latest pain science into clinical practice, focusing on the three types of pain: nociceptive, peripheral neuropathic, and nociplastic pain. Dr. Hickman shares her journey in integrating pain science into patient care and the importance of trauma-informed approaches. Tune in to learn how to evaluate and treat different types of pain and how to take a holistic approach to chronic pain. For show notes, articles and additional resources, please visit integrativepainscienceinstitute.com For CEU courses, please visit integrativepainscienceinstitute.com/course Love the show? Subscribe, rate, and review. Here’s How »