Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

TDP 1255: Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Quin Dilemma



review   To celebrate forty years of wandering through time and space in style, the Sixth Doctor and some of his best friends are about to find themselves in the adventure of his lives... 1. The Exaltation by Jacqueline Rayner Hints of a temporal anomaly bring the Doctor and Mel to Arunopal on the day King Otho steps down as ruler. But Otho has a dilemma - which of his five sons should succeed to the throne? He has a deadly game in mind to solve the problem - and the target is a certain Time Lord... 2. Escape from Holy Island by Chris Chapman The history books tell us that on the 8th of June, 793 AD, the Holy Island of Lindisfarne was burnt to the ground by Viking raiders. But history also records that "fiery dragons were seen flying in the sky" - can that be true? With time running out, the Doctor, Peri and a young HG Wells mobilise the island’s monks as the real raiders of Lindisfarne thunder over the North Sea - and they don’t look like Vikings... 3. Sibling Rivalry by Robert Valentine The Doctor, Constanc