Get Your Result With Dave Crenshaw: Productivity And Leadership

The Creative Brandpreneur, Meny Hoffman - CEO of PTEX Group



Hear the story of how Meny Hoffman stayed humble and learned from failure to become a respected business leader in the Jewish community. Meny’s dedication to his family and culture encouraged a healthy work-life balance that led to his multi-faceted success today. In this episode, you’ll learn the systems and principles Meny used to build a flourishing business. Listen to his story and choose which action will best serve you today.Action Principles Pick one to do this week: Reframe your perspective on failure. Failure is a powerful opportunity to learn. Rather than internalizing it, look at it as an experiment. ACTION: Step back from a failure and ask yourself what you can do differently next time, then try again.Analyze your work. Knowing what you enjoy doing in your job will help you determine your MVAs. ACTION: Determine what parts of your job you enjoy most and focus the majority of your time on it. Minimize the other activities as much as possible.Identify your core principles. Core principles help you s