Ask The Podcast Coach

Growing Your Podcast Audience: Time, Tools, and Techniques



This show is brought to you by the School of Podcasting Today we talk about realistic growth of a podcast audience. I've always said the formula is  Value in Episode X Smart Promotion = Downloads A recent episode of the Grow Your Show podcast mentioned we might want to mention audience size (social, email list, etc).  Spending money on ads is a strategy, but it relies on many different aspects to have success so you may not strike gold on your first try Sponsor: If you need podcast artwork, lead magnets or a full website, has you covered. Mark is a podcaster in addition to being an award-winning artist. He designed the cover art for the School of Podcasting, Podcast Rodeo Show, and Ask the Podcast Coach. Find Mark at Mugshot: Based on a True Story Podcast Ever wonder how much of those "Based on a true story" movies are real? Find out at JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using