Cotr Palmer Podcast

[Wasilla] He Gets Us |4| "Waiting Room" :: Paul Sliwa



Have you ever had to spend much time in a waiting room? Typically spending time in a waiting room means you are waiting for some sort of news, whether good or bad. Often being stuck in a waiting room can leave us feeling helpless and out of control. All too often we as Christians spend much of our time in the waiting room of life. We feel stuck, or trapped, unsure what to do next, or where to go in life so we decide to just wait... But what if life wasn't meant to be lived that way. What if we understood that what Jesus said about Himself returning for us is true, AND that we are returning to Him. How should these two realities change the way we think and live? The heartbeat of Church on the Rock is to help people discover how they can LOVE God and LOVE one another, LIVE with passion, purpose and freedom, and LEAD others to this same experience in Jesus. We simply say, “helping others Love, Live, and Lead in Jesus". Let's Connect here: Learn more abo