Fringe Radio Network

NYMZA with Walter Bosley - Where Did The Road Go?



Seriah is joined by Walter Bosley to discuss his latest book “NYMZA: How America Sold Its Soul”. Topics include Charles Dellschau, the Sonora Areo Club legend, a German-heritage breakaway civilization, Peter Navarro, pre-Wright brothers flying machines, allegations of pre-U.S. Civil War flight experimentation, outsider art, the Nazi Bell stories, WWII technological experiments, counter-gravity, Igor Witkowski, a mercury-based motor idea, Nazi wonder-weapon fictional stories and frauds, Ernst Zundel, “Lightning” by Dean Koontz, a Polish intelligence officer’s story, Kecksburg crashed UFO/space craft, ancient Vedic scriptures, “The Thousand Year Conspiracy” by Paul Winkler, Teutonic knights, Junker-class Prussians, Joseph Farrell, Operation Paperclip, post-WWII military-industrial complex, medieval origins of Prussia and a unified Germany, David Icke and the Society of Lizards, influence espionage, modern-day lobbying, Otto von Bismarck, “Web of Debt” by Ellen Hodgson Brown, causes of the U.S. Civil War, the as