No Vacancy With Glenn Haussman

ESLA Icons & Experts: Mike Leven



Welcome to our new series, Icons & Experts. This exciting twice a month series is brought you by the Extended Stay Lodging Association and support from Dellisart Hospitality.  Please visit Every other week we’ll highlight either a person who’s had unmistakable impact on the hotel industry, or we’ll learn from extended stay experts how to maximize opportunity and find success in the extended stay hotel category.  Our first episode features the incredible Mike Leven, an icon amongst icons in the hotel business. Leven has had significant impact on the hospitality industry from his early days  Dedicated business leader & visionary philanthropist with a rich 50-year career in the hospitality industry, notably including the successful launch of Holiday Inn Express, serving as President of Days Inn of America, leading the company through a reorganization that resulted in growth from a 225-unit regional chain to one of the largest brands in the world.  He also founded US Franchise S