Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 328: Gwen Made $65,000 in 6 months in the Academy, and How She Uses the Program as Her Assistant



Gwen Valentino is a grant administrator at NM Grant Writers, where she empowers local governments and nonprofit organizations by unlocking the full potential of grant funding. Gwen explains how she's streamlined her grant writing process through using the checklists and systems available in the freelance grant writing academy. She also talks about how to get returning customers as a grant writer, the different types of organizations grant writers can work with, and the impact having a website has had on her grant writing business. When you join the Freelance Grant Writer Academy, aspiring and seasoned grant writers get everything you need to quit your full-time job and replace your full-time income by freelance grant writing from your home. The Freelance Grant Writer Academy is a 12-Month group coaching program, where you get curriculum, coaching, customized feedback and support to start a Freelance Grant Writing Business. The price of the Academy is only One Payment of $2,500 (Get 2 Months Free!) or 12