Your Virtual Upline Podcast

425: 3 Reasons Why You Can't Grow Your Following



Are you frustrated that you're not growing your following on social media? This is a major frustration for so many people right now, myself included if I’m being honest! Today, I reveal the 3 main reasons why this is happening and I share the plan that we are going to be implementing in our company to address the issue. If you do what I teach in this episode, you absolutely will begin to grow your following again. So I ask you… how exciting would that be?! Listen to Learn 2:29 - A refresher on the marketing funnel and why understanding the objectives of it is key  5:26 - The type of content you must be creating for cold leads and the first mistake I see people making  8:33 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!  9:35 - An area where those who are even posting value content are going wrong   12:57 - The key pieces to include in the top-of-funnel value content plus the third mistake that is hurting those who are looking to grow their following   Are you tired of all the transactional strate