
Exactly How to Boost Revenue With a 55+ Program



Specialty programs can significantly boost a gym’s revenue—if they’re set up properly.The key? Don’t run every specialty program under the sun. Determine which option might serve your current clients and local market better, then test it with several six-week blocks before putting a full, ongoing program on the official menu. Today’s guest on “Run a Profitable Gym,” Brian Foley, is an expert when it comes to running successful programs for older adults—often called “masters” or “legends” classes. His gym, Activate, in Kerry, Ireland, generates about 10 percent of its gross revenue with its 55-plus program. The program is at capacity, its length-of-engagement stats beat the numbers from Brian’s other programs, and its average revenue per member numbers equal those of his core programs. So it's a clear winner.Early retirees have time and money to invest in their health, but it isn’t all about the cash for a gym owner. Brian and host Mike Warkentin agree that this is the most rewarding demographic to coach