Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

For Weight Gain Or Loss, Your Body’s A Calorie Bank



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6WuJDVr3jQ/ Restricting your eating to only 10 hours a day, will not help you lose those pounds compared with wolfing it down during all of your waking hours.  So say Johns Hopkins epidemiologists following their randomized study of 41 middle-aged persons, over 90% women, eating the same number of calories with half doing so over 10 hours and the others over 16-18 hours. At the 12 week weight-in, the 10 hour group lost 5 pounds and the 16-18 hour group lost 5.7 pounds.  That difference was insignificant. While this is a small study, the conclusion is inescapable: your weight loss or gain depends on the calories you consume.  The number of hours over which you consume them is not a factor. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M23-3132 #dieting #calories #grazing #nighttime