Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

American Idol’s Jim Verraros Comes Out with New Music



It’s been 21 years since Jim Verraros made TV history as the first contestant from the reality TV show American Idol to come out as gay. Although he wasn’t allowed to talk about his sexuality on the show, by coming out during the promotional tour he paved the way for other closeted gay entertainers to fearlessly be themselves.People like Clay Aiken, David Archuleta and Adam Lambert and even Neil Patrick Harris and Lance Bass owe a lot to people like Jim Verraros. Following his glow up on reality television, Jim became a queer comedy film regular with his appearances in the Eating Out and Another Gay Movie franchises, and even had a Billboard chart hit with his song "You Turn It On.” Today Jim Verraros, star of American Idol and the Eating Out franchise joins us to celebrate his return to music with his playful new single “Take My Bow” which he lip synced on Instagram during his crossfit class. CHECK OUT JIM VERRAROS: