Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S78 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - The reign of Alee (ra)



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 78 The Fox of The Arabs  The reign of Alee (ra) Mahdiyan one Guided - Mu'aawiyah (ra). When the sword is placed in my Ummah it will then not be withdrawn till the Last Hour (Tirmidh). A rebellious group will emerge at the time of dissent amongst the Muslims and it will be destroyed by the closer of the two groups to the truth (Muslim). An affair lingering day & night will not come to an end until Mu'aawiyah (ra) is at the helm of the State (Daylamee). O Allah SWT Make him (Mu'aawiyah (ra)) a guide, 'Mahdiyan' - one guided and guide others through him (Tirmidhi).