Duct Tape Marketing

The Power Of Mattering



In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Jennifer Wallace. She is a freelance print and television journalist who began her career at 60 Minutes. She's a frequent contributor to the WSJ and the Washington Post.  Her upcoming book Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It, explores the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, and finds out what we must do to fight back. She explains the term "mattering" which is the idea of feeling valued for who we are at our core by our families, by our friends, by our community, and also being dependent on to add meaningful value back to parents, to friends, to the community. More About Jennifer Wallace: Jennifer's website Pre-order Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It Learn More About The Agency Intensive Certification: Learn more Take The Marketing Assessment: Marketingassessment.co