Duct Tape Marketing

The Art of Customer Recovery: Transforming Negatives into Positives



In this episode of The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, we explored the art of customer recovery with Jon Picoult, a renowned customer experience expert and author of "From Impressed to Obsessed: 12 Principles for Turning Customers and Employees into Lifelong Fans." Key Takeaway: In the world of customer experience, mishaps are inevitable. However, by approaching customer recovery with style, empathy, and exceptional ownership, businesses can turn these situations into opportunities to create raving fans. Remember, a well-handled recovery can often leave a more positive impression on customers than a problem-free experience. Questions I ask Jon Picoult: [01:01] How does somebody become a customer experience expert? [02:48] How do you unify decision-makers in an organization around a customer experience vision? [05:27] As the pandemic's impact led to relaxed customer service, are we now entering an era where customers have heightened expectations? [06:56] What role do you see speed playing in today's market?