Weekly Economics Podcast

Solving the Housing Crisis



Britain is in the grips of a full blown housing crisis. Even if you're not struggling to meet your mortgage payments or at the mercy of a dodgy landlord, the UK's debt-fuelled property boom isn't good news for any of us. But guess what? There's a solution! Alice Martin, our resident housing expert, is back with us this week. Tune in for an amazing campaign win on Britain's Land Registry, why now probably isn't the time to be flogging off acres of old hospital sites, and the hottest sport of the moment - cricket (allegedly). — Enjoying the show? Tweet us your comments and questions @NEF! — Produced by James Shield. Programme editor for the New Economics Foundation is Huw Jordan. The award-winning Weekly Economics Podcast is brought to you by the New Economics Foundation – the UK's only people powered think tank. Find out more at www.neweconomics.org.