Rep. Matt Shea - Patriot Radio

Are You A Potential Terrorist? | Is The US Entering A Spanish War? | Bill Jasper



Patriot Radio is the BEST stop for the news BEHIND the news from Matt Shea: a Pastor, Attorney, Military Officer, and WA State Representative. ____________ GENERAL FLYNN MOVIE April 25th at 6pm at On Fire Ministries Come see the premier of General Flynn's new movie, 'Deliver The Truth. Whatever The Cost.' A gripping documentary exploring the life of General Michael Flynn, from his rise in the US Army to the political storm he faced as a National Security Advisor, highlighting his commitment to disrupting endless warfare and the intense investigations that challenged his career. Register here: ____________ AMERICA'S FUTURE TRAINING April 26th and the 27th at On Fire Ministries America's Future, Get In The Fight summit is a comprehensive two-day event of education by experts and leaders in the fight against child exploitation and trafficking in Washington State and across the country. The Friday summit panel discussion offers a deep dive into the crisis of child trafficki