Podcast Talent Coach

Affiliate Deals the Right Way – PTC 364



Affiliate relationships are a powerful way to monetize your podcast. As you incorporate these deals into your show, you need to do it properly to win big and stay out of trouble. As a full disclosure, let me start by saying I am not offering financial or legal advice. This is information I've collected over the years and simply sharing with you. WHAT TO ENDORSE Only be an affiliate for products you love. You should really only endorse products you've actually used. It is illegal to say you've used a product if you have not. You can still promote it. But while promoting the product or service, you cannot imply that you have use it if you have not. If I am endorsing Wendy's french fries, I cannot tell you they are delicious if I haven't actually eaten them. I can tell you they come with a money back guarantee, are sprinkled with sea salt and are on sale. Those are facts that have nothing to do with consumption. The best way to stay out of trouble here is to be selective with your affiliate partners. Choose part