Podcast Talent Coach

Connecting Content To Clients – PTC 367



If you are trying to monetize your podcast, you need to figure out how to connect your content to your clients and customers. There needs to be a path that naturally leads to the relationship. Your podcast is a perfect way to build that relationship. The content and stories you share allow your listeners to get to know you, like you and trust you. STRATEGY The other day, I was on a call with one of my clients. We were discussing his latest episode that I reviewed. On the episode, he did a great job interviewing his guest. It was all the things we talk about here on the show. Great stories, big laughs, a solid story arc and vivid details. The interview rocked. As I listened to the conversation, something hit me. This interview was doing nothing to attract clients to his coaching business. There was no strategic purpose to the interview. There was no connection between his content and client creation. We needed to get intentional about the content we were sharing on the show. The content needs to fit into a big