Break Free With Ashley Winston

Closing Open Cases in the Spirit: Aligning with God's Principles for Financial Increase



In this episode of the Break Free Podcast, Ashley discusses financial growth and responsibility. She shares personal insights and mentoring experiences, emphasizing being active participants in our faith journey rather than expecting God to do everything, debunking the misconception that God is solely responsible for our success, which can lead to a passive approach to life and business. Ashley highlights the importance of honor and how dishonoring others can negatively impact our finances and expounds on open cases in the spirit realm, which can hinder financial progress. This episode urges listeners to partner with God, stay humble, honor those around them, and learn from others in order to manifest the abundant life God has predestined for them.Partnering with God requires energy and focus. Try Magic Mind. It's the perfect companion for staying sharp and energized throughout the day. Magic Mind is the only mental performance enhancer that improves your overall brain health over time. Scientifically for