Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Parenting From A Place Of Love & Meaningful Conversations with Teens with Alana Heim S7 E8



SPECIAL RELEASE LOCAL EPISODE! What I’ve been working on lately with my kids (and husband) is to stay in the place of love, and holy shit is it hard! We’ve been having meaningful conversations with Tayla (15) and allowing emotional expressions from her and the twins (Hazelleia + Hunter, 9). We’ve been learning to acknowledge, pause, listen, be curious, and let go of our judgments and reactions. Again, hard! But so good in the way of growth.  I can weave in info about their energies and share stories. Whatever you want, let’s go off-roading!  As the Cosmic Prosperity Activator, I guide individuals, couples, and business owners to align who they are with what they want so they achieve sustainable prosperity. I use out of the box thinking, Human Design, Gene Keys, energy work, intuition, and strategy to support clients with innerstanding their relationship with self and money. Together, we navigate the energetic currents beneath their business, life, and money. I use Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you