Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Conceiving And Parenting While Living On A Cruise Ship, & A Location Independent Business with Chandra Zas S7 E9



SPECIAL RELEASE LOCAL EPISODE! Conceived my daughter while living on a cruise ship.  Was stationary in ca for 6 months. From 7 months pregnant til 4 mo old baby. Then flew internationally and lived out of suitcases for the first 4 years of my kids life.  Worked with a midwife in Santa Rosa. Was in a birth center- went into labor Monday eve. Used nitrous for pain. Transferred to a hospital Thursday night. Had a c- section Friday at 9:30 am. Hospital water heater broken. No shower.  Janet Lansbury is a huge resource from my psychologist on how to transfer my psychological growth onto parenting.  Kids are not giving us a hard time, rather they are having a hard time.  I get complimented regularly on being a “good mom” which I attribute to my own emotional/ mindfulness/ empathetic self growth and work I was a sick kid with allergies and specialists. I applied all my gut health knowledge onto my kiddo. She is super healthy. No allergies. Well regulated. I was asked by her preschool to give a little all to the othe