Madison Church

Fostering Faith Through Transparency and Responsibility



Ever wondered what holds our spiritual journeys and church communities together? The answer lies within the delicate tapestry of trust. I'm your host, Stephen Feith, and in our latest episode, we navigate the nuances of trust, inspired by Dr. Henry Cloud. We'll uncover how a blend of good motives, abilities, character, and a solid track record can enrich our connections with the divine and each other.As we journey through this episode, we unravel the complexities of trust in the fabric of our relationships. From the stories I share with my wife, Megan, to the broader context of our church community at Madison Church, we examine the symbiotic relationship between understanding others and developing trust. By dissecting our abilities and acknowledging our limitations, we cultivate a culture of trust that allows both individual and collective strength to flourish. Trust me, it's an exploration that strikes at the heart of what it means to be part of a faith community.Finishing with a candid reflec