What's Up Bainbridge

Bainbridge Youth Talent Showcase WU-578



Bainbridge Youth Talent Showcase Are you a creative expression teacher or student? You now have a community platform where you can submit a video and share your talents with a virtual audience! Live performances have been put on hold this past year during the pandemic, but a local voice teacher sparked the idea of a virtual outlet for students to perform what they’ve been working on. Arts & Humanities Bainbridge is sponsoring a new youth program called Bainbridge Talent Showcase It is described as a “virtual stage for the community’s creative youth and to highlight the work of their teachers” In this episode of What’s Up Bainbridge AHB Board members Linda Kramer Jenning and Stephanie Reese share with us what inspired the program and the vision for showcasing local youth talent on the cultural platform Currents. Stephanie tells us about the value for the young performer on reaching an audience, as well as her experience in showcasing her students and what that means to her as a teacher. Linda and Stephanie