Cutting Through The Matrix With Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

Apr. 14, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "The Miner Called His Lamp Non-Linear Thinking"



--{ "The Miner Called His Lamp Non-Linear Thinking"}-- What is the Aryan Invasion Theory? - Phone Call with Listener - Balfour Declaration - Who was behind the Society for Psychical Research? - Psychology - Science - Alan Watt: Non-Linear Thinking - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Sykes-Picot Agreement - Who is Vivek Ramaswamy? - Brahmins, the Priestly Class - Secret Brotherhoods and the Taking of Oaths - Iran (Persia) and the 1953 coup d'etat - Mark Sykes and the Balfour Declaration - Why does Leonardo DiCaprio want to "Rewild" Scotland? - The Role of the Media - How far ahead is Science? - Francis Bacon and The New Atlantis - Israel, Iran and the New World Order - Colossus of Rhodes - The Profane - Stonemasons and the Building of Cathedrals in the Middle Ages - Music Industry, Fashion, the Destruction of the Family - Miltary, Uniform.