Scott Radley Show

Five weeks until the RBC Canadian Open! - PM Trudeau testifies on foreign interference. - Talking taxes on the wealthy, and the cost of the PM's Indo-Pacific trip.



The countdown to the RBC Canadian Open is officially on, with just five weeks left until the big event! Today, we're thrilled to chat with tournament director Brian Crawford, who will share some details of a major announcement. GUEST: Brian Crawford, Tournament Director of The RBC Canadian Open. Prime Minister Trudeau to testify at the foreign interference inquiry. GUEST: Dr. Robert Huish, Associate Professor with the Department of International Development Studies at Dalhousie University. Chrystia Freeland won't rule out new taxes on wealthy Canadians and corporations in the upcoming budget. GUEST: Dr. Ian Lee, Associate Professor with the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University. Examining the PM's six-day Indo-Pacific trip, and it's potential impacts on the taxpayer. It cost $2 million, including $200K in catering! GUEST: Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation.