



Too many repeats, schedule changes and the loss of much of the children's programming. Fans of the former BBC Radio 7 lament its loss and challenge the station's head of programming Mary Kalemkerian over the changes she's made to the station that's now called Radio 4 Extra.Incest, murder and trench warfare - is Book at Bedtime too dour? Radio 4 commissioning editor Caroline Raphael explains how books are chosen for the late night slot and hears your pleas to let listeners know details of music featured in the programmes.And the controller of Radio 4 Gwyneth Williams reveals how she stopped The Archers being moved from Radio 4 to Radio 4 Extra. Contact the Feedback team to let Roger know what you'd like him to tackle this series about anything you've heard on BBC radio.Producer: Karen Pirie A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.