



"Inane", "patronising" and "cultural vandalism" are just a few of the comments you have made about the recent changes to the BBC Radio 3 schedule. This week Roger puts your concerns to controller Roger Wright, discussing new programmes including Essential Classics, and listener criticism that breakfast is sounding more like Classic FM.As the results of the "Delivering Quality First" consultation are finally announced, we'll be finding out what this cost-cutting strategy is going to mean for listeners. Roger will analyse the announcement with Torin Douglas and then discuss it's impact with Lord Patten, chair of the BBC Trust.And we introduce a brand new feature: the Feedback Listening Club. We are looking for small groups of Feedback listeners to select a BBC radio programme, listen to it, and then get together for a recorded discussion of their thoughts on their chosen programme. First up is 'Open Book'. If you're interested and would like more information, please email Karen Pirie