



This week Feedback drops into the Radio Academy Radio Festival in Salford. There Radio Shropshire listener Andy Boddington asks David Holdsworth, controller of English Regions, if BBC local radio can really survive the 12 per cent savings it's being asked to make under the Delivering Quality First scheme. Meanwhile in London, listener John Kennedy leads a protest outside Broadcasting House against the cuts to his beloved BBC London. Next week sees the start of the new afternoon schedule on Radio 4. As the World At One stretches to 45 minutes and other programmes shift along to make room, Feedback itself will be moving to a new time of 4:30 in the afternoon. Tony Pilgrim, Head of Planning and Scheduling, explains the thinking behind the new schedule. Plus there's a novel suggestion for how composer Philip Glass's piece Facades could spice up the Archers..Producer: Karen Pirie A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.