Profitable Farmer

Episode 139 - How Does The Stress Of Farming Impact Our Mental Well-Being



In my last episode introduction I asked - who here has felt real financial duress and overwhelming stress or hardship in this game called farming?   In this episode, I explore this theme further with an in-depth interview with Sarah Crossthwaite. Sarah lives and works with her husband and family on a dairy farm in Northeast Victoria. She has an impressive career as an accredited mental health social worker, actively supporting men and women of our industry through times of hardship.   Recently Sarah made the decision to complete a Nuffield Scholarship, and embark on a global research project exploring the impact that financial duress, market volatility and government interventions can have on the mental health and well-being of farming families.   To say this is an important research piece is an understatement, and I commend Sarah for her dedication and commitment as an advocate for the mental strength and well-being of our industry and rural communities.   In this podcast, we explore what it is Sarah sees,