

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 — The world celebrates the power of humanity. Human achievement gains the highest order of praise. From the cities built to the industry created, human inventions and achievements are truly remarkable. No one can deny the wonders of the human mind. In spite of this progress, however, humans are left powerless. As a matter of fact, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out, human progress highlights the inability to solve their main problem. Wars increase. Corruption is woven into institutions. Violence does not cease. While people can build a civilization, the facts do not show that humanity has any real power. What all need is the power of God. What humanity needs is regeneration, a new life. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 titled “A New Creation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones displays God’s purpose to save people from their corruption, and to make them children of God. This happens as the Holy Spirit works in a person and causes them to see and know God. Christianity is not just a better life–