Fredericks Mind Thing




According to the Cambridge Dictionary madness is defined as “stupid or dangerous behaviour” and one doesn’t need to look too hard to see it all around us.There is a seemingly endless list of stupid things Americans are doing, all of which seem destined to harm the country. Destroying the environment, ignoring the harm it causes and letting Trump have a chance to return to office are just some of them.  Living in a society where nominating and electing cowards and criminals to higher office is a common occurrence is nearly enough to drive a sane person to despair. It is important to remember that the mad and the stupid are not the majority. They are loud and flamboyant and the media tends to give them a disproportionate amount of attention. The sane and the sensible are the majority in this country. If we can avoid despairing and remain focused and motivated we can as a country overcome the serious threat of antidemocratic authoritarianism. Let us not forget to hope, nurture, and laugh.  Especially to laugh at