The Create Your Own Life Show

11: The Relentless Secret to Success; Wayne Allyn Root



Wayne Root has been branded by media across the globe as “the Capitalist Evangelist.” A former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, Wayne is a fierce, enthusiastic and relentless defender of Reagan conservatism, Libertarianism, economic freedom and capitalism. He is known for his fiery personality and unmatched levels of energy. On the political side, Wayne is a lifelong Republican-conservative firebrand, Fox News regular, and political commentator on hundreds of conservative talk radio stations. He is also one of the most popular syndicated columnists in the conservative world- with millions of readers at sites like FoxNews, TheBlaze, TownHall, Breitbart, PersonalLiberty and DailyCaller. His columns often appear at The Washington Times. On the business side, Wayne is one of a kind. Most businessmen go by the standard titles “Chairman, CEO or President.” Wayne prefers “CRPE”- standing for Chief Rainmaker and Pitchman Extraordinaire…“CE” standing for Capitalist Evangelist…and “HEB” standing for Human Energiz