The Create Your Own Life Show

The Hidden World of Financial Manipulation: What They Don't Want You to Know



In this eye-opening interview, Trevor Kitchen, a whistleblower and former finance professional, exposes the manipulation happening in the world of finance. He shares his personal experience of losing money due to currency manipulation and how he reported it to the authorities, only to be met with silence and even arrest. Trevor shines a light on the role of conglomerates, banks, and corporations in controlling the global financial system, while ordinary individuals bear the brunt of their actions. He warns against trusting authorities and highlights the dangers whistleblowers face when trying to expose wrongdoing. This thought-provoking conversation reveals the hidden side of the financial world and raises important questions about who truly benefits from the current system. __________________________________________________________________________ ⇩ SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS ⇩ BRAVE TV HEALTH: Parasites are one of the main reasons that so many of our health problems happen! Guess what? They’re more active around