The Create Your Own Life Show

Is America Becoming a Police State? Dinesh D'Souza Reveals the Truth



In this thought-provoking interview, political commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza joins Jeremy Slate on The Create Your Own Life Show to discuss the current state of America and whether we are heading towards a police state. D'Souza, known for his insightful and controversial documentaries, including his latest film "Police State," sheds light on the alarming signs that suggest our democracy is under threat. D'Souza explains how the justice system, including the FBI and the Department of Justice, may be turning against the American people instead of serving them. He exposes the disturbing tactics used by these agencies, such as entrapment and the manufacturing of terrorism, to maintain fear and control. Moreover, D'Souza challenges the notion of a true democracy, highlighting the importance of understanding America's foundation as a constitutional republic. He also delves into the events of January 6th, questioning whether it was a deliberate attempt to halt the questioning of the election, benef