Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Wouldn’t you love to have a better connection with your intuition?



Do you want to be better at healing energetically and thought it was just something you’re born with? Do I know how to improve these things? I am asked about these topics every day.The answer is to learn more about it. And to get training. All healers have been trained by many teachers. It’s just like any thing you learn. You have the brain power, athletic ability, or intuition. In order to use our gifts we need training and practice. No one ever became a lawyer, lab chemist, doctor, engineer without training. Same with healers. The more you know, the more control you have and the more effective you’ll become.Standout Quotes: "You don't want to program the subconscious mind with negative wording, low energy wording, low energy phrases." “It's so warm and comfortable as you feel the excess energy leaving your body.” “The gentler, kinder and more loving way you are treating yourself will be reflected back to you from others.” “Let you be blessed by your Supreme Being that you go about your d