Nasgp | The Art Of Gp Locuming

Podcast | I’m a GeriGP



NASGP member Eva Kalmus describes how she became co-chair of the new GeriGP group of the British Geriatrics Society (BGS), and why being a portfolio GP has never been boring. When I did my GP training, about half of the GP trainees undertook a self-made rotation of approved jobs, followed by a year in general practice to qualify. Some studied for MRCGP towards the end, and many transferred from other medical specialities. If I had stayed in hospital practice it would have been geriatrics for me. I was a geriatric SHO for an extra nine months with some wonderful, knowledgeable geriatricians and later held a clinical assistantship on long-stay wards, the NHS’s equivalent to today’s nursing homes. During my first FY1 job I had been inspired by a compassionate and wise consultant geriatrician, appreciated and admired by patients and staff alike. Years later, as a salaried GP, my practice manager forwarded me an advertisement seeking medical cover for community hospital beds; he said that the practice was not inte