Nasgp | The Art Of Gp Locuming

Podcast | Now wash your hands



In post-war Italy TB was still rife and notices in buses commanded “No Spitting”. In Britain in 1946 the message “Coughs and sneezes spread diseases” promoted the use of handkerchiefs to catch the germ-laden droplets. Presumably a reasonably successful public health campaign, although if you are trapped like a sardine in a rush-hour tube train, you may have no alternative but to sneeze into the shoulder of the person jammed in front of you. Reducing droplet spread is a great step forward, but rhinoviruses are also transferred from noses to hands and so to any surface we touch. They survive there for several hours for the next person grabbing the handrail or turning on the tap to pick up. So do more dangerous infective agents from other sources. Hence the slogan I recall from my childhood “Now wash your hands”. So, a century after Semmelweis published his paper on reducing the spread of infection in maternity wards, his advice had reached the Department of Health. If followed today, it could cut gastrointestin