Sluts & Scholars

281 Victims’ Rights: Fighting for Justice with Lisa Bloom



Lisa Bloom Esquire is an attorney specializing in LGBTQ rights, Civil Rights, sexual harassment and assault cases. Daughter of famous civil rights attorney Gloria Allred, Lisa was raised to help everyday people in their fight for justice. Her firm, The Bloom Firm, continues to focus on fighting for victims of discrimination, harassment and abuse with compassion, as she is a survivor herself. She is also an author and media personality and has successfully represented many high profile celebrity cases, such as many of the brave Trump, Cosby, and Epstein survivors. TW: We will touch on topics related to consent, sexual assault, rape, and the civil court system. As always, please take care however you need to.   Ads:  Dipsea: Dipsea is offering an extended 30 day free trial when you go to   Lisa Bloom:   FOLLOW US  Twitter Instagram Facebook Send questions, comments, stories, rants to: Sluts And Scholars is a production of sluts an