St. Clair Community Church Podcast

Encounter: Prayers of Repentance and Confession



On Sunday Andrew spoke about the difference in the practice of Repentance and Confession and how together they prepare the way for Christ's Kingdom. At one point we read the confession, which can be found in our teaching notes through the link below! Have you ever felt like there had to be more ways to pray then the one you grew up with? Or have you found yourself in a situation where the prayers you know how to do, doesn’t feel like the kind of prayer that is needed? This series will explore various ways people encounter God through prayer and can bring others to encounter God in the ordinary moments of life. By exploring different ways to pray, we will discover how God shapes, challenges, and deepens our faith and reveals Himself to us and through us. As we explore these facets of encounters with God, may our hearts be open, our minds renewed, and our lives transformed by the power of His presence. To visit our Teaching Notes: