Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#184: Growing Your Business (Without Breaking Down) with Kelly Ruta



After living with the debilitating side effects of long COVID for years, Kelly Ruta has been forced to embrace a new identity that isn't focused solely on hustle and ambition, but one that allows more ease and flow for her health.  Regardless of whether you're dealing with a health issue, I think we can all understand the concept that your business is only as healthy as you are. From growing teams, being more visible, and making more money, Kelly shares the most common issues she sees tripping up intelligent, high-achieving women, and why hustling harder is rarely the answer.  Chapters 00:29 - Meet Kelly Ruta  02:00 - From practicing clinician to entrepreneur  06:00 - How long COVID changed her life and business 10:13 - Stepping back and making a comeback 15:16 - Your business is only as healthy as you are 19:26 - Business growth requires personal growth 23:30 - Biggest mindset issues that trip up high-achievers 29:57 - Feeling unsafe + inadequate = bottleneck issues 36:17 - Connect with Kelly Ruta   To stay