Let's Talk America With Shana Thornton

It's In The Family: How Knowing Health History Can Empower Families Everywhere



Did you know? This upcoming spring break, various families will embark on road trips with their loved ones, spending time talking, bonding and sharing stories about the past and present that will be passed down from generation to generation. These stories about family history often focus on which countries our ancestors emigrated from or what types of jobs or professions they held. What is often missing from these conversations is the family health history of those who have walked before us. Inspired by the family road trip, the 'Family Health History Road Trip' was launched. It's a program designed to drive conversations between family members about their health history so they can have a better understanding of their risk for developing hereditary ATTR (hATTR) amyloidosis (medical condition). hATTR amyloidosis is a rare, inherited and rapidly progressive disease. Early diagnosis and management of hATTR amyloidosis are crucial, as symptoms can worsen over time, but it can be difficult to diagnose because