Zeph Daniel

We Got Here by The Middle Way



Told ya, sorry. This is for your dumbfuck churches. Jesus called it LUKEWARM in Rev 3:16. That it's better to be hot or cold. The world most certainly is ignorant, preferring poverty, war and chaos instead of peace and blessing. The Middle Way is the way of slow corruption of the entire world, which must now be destroyed.   Spiritual, political and philosophical observations along the way. And now music and information on Zeph E. Daniel and Crazed House, Ltd, film production.  Zeph E. Daniel is known for his screenwriting for the films “Girl Next”, “The Quantum Devil” and “Dementia”. Zeph also co-wrote other horror classics such as “SOCIETY”. His film production Crazed House has received numerous awards, reviews and enthusiast. Zeph is mostly recognized for his veracious and subversive podcast, THE ZEPH REPORT. For over 20 years Zeph has been reporting on observations to his faithful listeners. Author of the books GIRL NEXT, GLASS BACKWARD and LAMB. For decades Zeph has used music to candidly unveil the atroc