Stuff Your Doctor Should Know

We ALL need the Candida Doctor w/Dr. Biamonte



Dr. Michael Biamonte is one of the leading health experts in candida - a fungal infection caused by yeast. Dr. Biamonte can read blood tests more accurately and thoroughly than most and was even recruited by NASA to work on an astronaut health project. He took his knowledge from that project and has translated it into private practice, allowing patients with candida to be more easily diagnosed and treated.He also helps people with many other health issues such as: leaky gut, toxic metals, hormone irregularities, constipation, adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalances, diabetes and also a condition many women face: vaginal yeast infections. As a practitioner for over 30 years, he is dedicated to improving the lives of his patients and helping them get back to living.Dr. Biamonte is the founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition and the co-creator of BioCybernetics, an unprecedented computer software program that is able to study blood work, mineral tests and many other lab tests to determine exactly where