Father Simon Says

Was There More Than One Lazarus? - March 12, 2024



Bible Study: (1:50) Ez 47:1-9, 12 Father explains the Temple  Jn 5:1-16 Father discusses the importance of reading what's actually in Scripture Letters (21:57) - Father recommends a Bible https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Study-Bible-Donald-Senior/dp/0190267232 (24:47) - Picture Bible (27:56) - Was there more than one Lazarus?  Word of the Day: Bethesda (30:32)Callers (35:23) - When Jesus tells the man - go and sin no more - It makes it seem like Jesus thinks the reason he was sick was because he did something wrong. Is this right? (40:06) - I know that Jesus was fully God and Fully man. Now that he is in Heaven is he still fully God and man or is he just God now? (41:54) - Why does Jesus always tell people not to tell others about the miracles he's done? (43:08) - I went to a funeral at an SSPX church and they had communion there. Would it be bad to take communion there or was it only for people who go to that church?