Rosenfeld Media

Angry and Passionate about what AI means to Researchers with Tricia Wang



In the latest episode of the Rosenfeld Review, Lou sits down with social scientist Tricia Wang, coiner of the term “thick data,” and formerly a partner at Sudden Compass. Tricia is passionate about research and AI. She envisions massively improved research outcomes and opportunities for researchers, but only if researchers take the lead in incorporating AI into their work. Rather than seeing themselves as “users” of AI tools, researchers must work as AI’s “shapers,” serving as its senior partner. Tricia’s vision is to cease the fear-mongering surrounding the subject of AI and instead embrace the amazing opportunities for growth and better work by becoming active in the control of AI’s future. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - The truth about the potential for AI use in research and the gift that it actually is - The difference between a “user” and a “shaper” in the digital age - The importance of taking an active role in the development of AI in the future - How being an asset class dehumanizes u