Profitable Farmer

EPISODE 137 It Is Our BUSINESS MODEL That Can Set Us Free



So many farming families we meet have businesses that are completely dependent on them. In addition, so many farm owners across Australia’s have business models that are not risk-aware, sufficiently profitable, sustainable, or optimal over time.   Is your business model delivering you the outcomes you want from your farm?   So often we see farmers ‘rinsing and repeating’ business models that have worked in the past, only to find they are not optimal or even relevant in our current economic climate.   To quote Einstein: “Doing the same thing over and again and expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”   With inflation, increased interest rates and softening commodity prices, it has never been more important to actively stress-test the potential and resilience of the business model you have, then seek to refine, re-engineer and adapt it to ensure it is profitable long-term AND relevant in the current economic climate.   The question is, HOW?   In this podcast, I speak to this, then advocate