Stuff You Missed In History Class

Götz of the Iron Hand



In the early 16th century Gottfried von Berlichingen was known as Götz of the Iron Hand because after an injury and amputation, he wore a prosthesis made of sheet iron that was painted to match his skin. Research: Ashmore, Kevin et al. “ArtiFacts: Gottfried "Götz" von Berlichingen-The "Iron Hand" of the Renaissance.” Clinical orthopaedics and related research vol. 477,9 (2019): 2002-2004. doi:10.1097/CORR.0000000000000917 Beare, Mary. “Reviewed Work: The Autobiography of Götz von Berlichingen by H. S. M. Stuart and Götz von Berlichingen.” The Modern Language Review, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Apr., 1957). Via JSTOR. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Götz von Berlichingen". Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Jan. 2024, Accessed 26 February 2024. Cohn, H.J. (1989). Götz von Berlichingen and the Art of Military Autobiography. In: Mulryne, J.R., Shewring, M. (eds) War, Literature and the Arts in Sixteenth-Century