Hr Trends With Game Changers, Presented By Sap

HR Trends: Globalization of HR



Today’s buzz: Going global. Do you still consider your company a one-country/single-region organization? It’s time to check your traditional notion of ‘borders’ at the door if supply chain pressures, competitive realities, and staff mobility are forcing you into external markets for new sourcing, customer and talent opportunities. The experts speak. Elmar Kronz, DDI: “It’s been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity” (Kofi Annan). Beth Thiebault, Deloitte: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” (Wayne Dyer). David Swanson, SAP: “Competition is no longer someone down the street or in the same town. Chances are it is someone in a small and agile organization that you have never heard of operating on the other side of the world.” Join us for more insights on the Globalization of HR.